What To Do After First Date With A Guy – Best Text Examples To Help You

So you went on your first date and want to know what to text a guy after first date? When you first start dating, it is common to go through a bit of trial and error before you figure out how to approach it. 

First dates can be exciting and scary at the same time. For some people, it gets difficult to communicate with their date after it is over. David Ezell, clinical director of Darien Wellness, compares dating to a sales game.

Whether you enjoyed a date or not, it is a good idea to have some text lines in hand that you can use to send to your date.

Ezell says that that texting has become more important to daters now, since it is easier and more comfortable to communicate rather than talking in person or a phone call.

So that brings us the question – what to text a guy after a first date?

what to text him

There could be several outcomes after a first date and the text message that you send will depend on how you felt about it. May be you had just an average dinner conversation, but you still felt a spark and it was your best first date ever.

Still there are no hard rules on what to text after a date. However, there are some texts that according to experts are more effective than others, that you can use after a date.

Whether you liked a date or not, we bring you several text examples that you can use to send to your date. Whether you want to setup a second date or you don’t want to see him at all, you can use these texts to send him.

What To Text A Guy After A First Date If You Want To See Him Again

You had an awesome date and you want to let him know about it. You are also excited to see him again and want to setup a second date.

Also Read:  Should You Text Him First? 8 Reasons You Should And 5 You Shouldn't

While many girls try to play hard to get after a date, it is also refreshing to act like an adult and be transparent about how you felt. If he is also interested about you, he will feel pumped to see you again.

So how long do you have to wait to text a guy after a first date? According to experts, it is best to wait until the next morning as it will give both of you enough time to process your feelings.

By giving positive affirmation when you are asked about how you felt about the date, it will take the excitement to a whole new level.

If you get a cute goodnight message the same day, then you should definitely respond to that. But what if you don’t get any text?

Below are some text examples that you can send him the next morning to let him know that you are interested and see where things will lead.

Talk About Doing Something Which Came Up During Your Conversation

what to text him after first date

Suggesting doing something that your date was talking about during your conversation is a great way to let him know that you are interested in a second date without actually asking him.

If he was talking about this awesome pizza place that he frequently visits, then you can bring that up.

“I really enjoyed our date last night. Why not do this again, may be over a pizza.”

Or if he was talking about some music concert or an event that is coming up, you can use that to your advantage to let him know that you are interested in joining him.

“I really had a great time. I will definitely try to visit [event]. Why don’t we team up?”

Talking Positive About Your Date

Another way of letting him know that you are interested in a second date is by commenting about something that you found special.

“I had an awesome with you last time. The food was one of the best that I have ever had.”

That is a cute way to get started with your conversation. It doesn’t matter if you comment on the place or the food you ate, letting them know about something specific will make them realise that you genuinely enjoyed.

This will clear any of their doubts and give them the green signal to ask you for a second date.

Say You Want To Meet Him Again

If you want to be bold, then you can let him know directly that you enjoyed and you are up for a second date. This will clear any doubts or guess work from his side.

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“Last night was super fun. We should totally do it again [cute emoji].”

Using a cute emoji at the end of your text is a good way to pump up his interest. By sending a short, to-the-point text to him will make him take the lead in planning that second date.

Boost His Ego

what to text a guy after a date

Complimenting your date in a flirty way is also a good idea. If there was something special about him that was a highlight for you, then why not let him know?

If he is good at conversation or he is someone with good sense of humor, then you can let him know that via text.

“Last night was one of the best that I ever had. I’m definitely ready for round two.”

“You made me so much laugh yesterday. I’m really looking forward to see you again.”

Let Him Know When You Are Free

Sometimes, all it takes is a simple thank you text along with letting him know when you are free to meet again is enough to work in your favor.

“Thank you for the great night. I’m free again this Saturday.”

Such text will give you an idea of where things stand between you two. But only send this if you have already talked about the possibility of meeting again during your first date.

But if you haven’t, then jut say something like “if you are free this Saturday”.

What To Text A Guy After A First Date If You Don’t Want To See Him Again

how to reject him

Things always doesn’t work in your favor when you go on a date with guy, and will make you feel like you don’t want to see him ever again.

It might make you cringe just to even think about him. May be he doesn’t like the idea of you being an independent woman, or his profile said he was a young-handsome man but turn out to be an old dude when you meet.

Either way, you can let him know with an easy text that there is not going be a second date.

Him: “Thank you for the date. Good night. Take care.”

You: “Take care.”

You Want To Friend-zone him

Even if dating may not help you find your next Prince Charming, it is a good way to make new friends. Not all your dates may be successful, but some of them can even become your best friend for life.

Even though you liked the guy, the romance factor is not there. This doesn’t mean that you have to throw out the guy from your life. If you can both come to agree that being in a relationship is not an option for you, then you can become good friends.

Also Read:  How To Text Good Morning To Your Boyfriend?

“I enjoyed last night. You seem like a cool guy, but I’m not looking for anything right now. I’m totally down to being friends and hang out if you are ok with that.”

You Don’t Want To Ghost Him, But Also Not Ready For A Relationship

what to say after first date

You liked this guy but not ready for a relationship and you don’t want to ghost him also. Weird, right? Instead what you can do is leave breadcrumbs.

What it means is that you will still continue dating him, but only via text, leaving breadcrumbs showing your interest and keep him hanging and begging for more.

Him: “Hey I really enjoyed last night. When can we meet again?”

You: “I’m really busy with work this week. I would like to meet again soon. BTW how are you?”

You are not giving him the attention that he is hungry for. Breadcrumbing is just giving excuses and not really committing until you are ready. (Thought I suggest you not to fall into this category.)

You Already Feel Like Marrying Him, But Don’t Want To Put Yourself In A Weird Way

You feel like you have found your soulmate and want to spend the rest of your life with him, but you also don’t want to freak him out.

It is not uncommon to feel like you have met your partner-for-life in just one date, but also you can’t let him know what you are feeling as you have known each other only for an hour or so.

But honestly such connections are really rare and you need to be really sure about your feelings. So the best way to let him know is by telling that he is unlike any other man that you have ever met. And he will surely respond to that.

“Hey, I had an awesome time last night. You are very different of all the guys I went out with. Can we go out again?”


what to do after first date with a guy

How to move forward after a good, bad or ugly date can sometimes feel unavoidable, but you need to remind yourself to play it cool.

Texting is one of the easiest way to let your date know how you felt, rather than feeling awkward by letting him know in person.

Take your time to understand your feelings and use our text examples to send him if you are unsure what to tell.

Do you have any more tips on what to text a guy after a first date? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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