How To Turn A Guy On Over Text Without Being Obvious

If you are trying to make him yours but unable to get his interest, then texting him to turn him on is one of the easiest ways to make him think about you.

Making your text more exciting by adding an extra “something” will make him more excited about you.

It is easier to turn a man on than a woman. They just need a bit of stimulation to get turned on.

However, if you want to get his attention or want to make him feel special with a bit of extra spice, then check out our top 5 tips on how to turn a guy on over text without being obvious.

Expose Some Skin

No, you don’t have to get all naked. You are just trying to impress him and for that you don’t have to show him everything.

Dress in such a way that you look sexy and send a photo to him. Wear dress that compliment your body and at the same time you feel good about yourself.  

It doesn’t matter much the kind of dress that you wear as long as it highlights your best features.

Avoid Sending nudes

You don’t have to undress to turn him on. You can undress just by using words.

Sending a nude photo can be done by any woman. You need to step up your game. If you send a revealing photo it will destroy the need for having a conversation and take out the desire.

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Choose words that will make him think about you visually. The intimacy and excitement created this way are much better than what you get from sending a nude photo.

If you don’t want to send him revealing photos either, then you can stimulate his brain by sending a text like:

“Red or blue skirt?”

“Wait till you see my new dress. You are going to like it.”

“Do you think satin suits me?”

Create Anticipation

When it comes to turning on a guy through text, you have to build anticipation.

But how do you do it? You can do this by getting his attention and making him imagine a few things. Why go for the kill when you can keep the best part for the last?

Start by using words that have hidden and flirty meanings. Send him flirty texts, “I love trying new things. I have got a surprise for you tonight.” 

You can either try to play innocent or take the sexy route. If the guy replies with a sexy answer, you can hit him back like, “Hey, it wasn’t that kind of surprise.” Add a wink at the end.

This way tease him and make him beg for more. This might sound like a lot of work but it doesn’t have to be. You don’t have to send long texts to seduce him. Even a simple text with the right words will work in your favor.

For example, even a simple text like, “I want you.” will hit the right spot. All you have to do keep him wondering and make him want more.

Also Read:  How To Text Good Morning To Your Boyfriend?

Be In Charge

A woman who knows what she wants and gets it is more sexier than others. So if you want to impress him, then be in charge whenever you text him.

Don’t be surprised if your man appreciates it when you make the first move. Men have been making the first move for so long that it becomes an instant turn on for him when you take charge.

You don’t have to change your personality completely for that. Just be suggestive enough and don’t be shy about using your body language.

If you are in a relationship already, then be the first one to sext and surprise him.

Be Confident

A study on men has revealed that they find it a turn on when women show their confidence. Talking about your flaws with him is a definite no.

Instead let your best features be the highlight for him. When you are confident and sexy, he will immediately notice the difference.

Having a good sense of humor is also a big advantage.

Flirt With Him

Turning a man on by flirting with him is something that has been working for ages. When you know it works, why not take advantage of it?

It is one of the best and easiest ways to ignite a spark in your relationship. It is also a good sign to show him that you are interested in him.

Make him laugh, laugh at his jokes, tease him, be suggestive and he will notice what you are trying to do.

Touch Him

Turning on a guy should not only be restricted to texting. While words are one of the fastest ways to turn on a man, another way to turn him on is by physical contact.

Also Read:  How To Seduce A Man Through Text - Make Him Want You More

Whenever you meet him, find different ways to touch him. Appreciate his tattoo by holding his hand or accidentally brush your legs against him.

This will stimulate his sexual feelings and turn him on. It is well known that guys love getting touched by woman.

It can take a bit of practice and patience to learn how to turn a guy on over text without being obvious.

Before you decide to turn him on via text, you have to decide where you want this to end.

Whether you desire him so much that you want him to come to your place or you want to make him yours without the intention of having sex with him.

Do you have any more tips on how to turn a guy on over text without being obvious, then share with us in the comment section below.

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