How To Talk To Your Crush After A Long Time? 3 Ways To Get Started

In this article, we will talk about how to text your crush after a long time. While this article focuses on guys, the same principles can be used by girls too.

It is normal for guys to get nervous when they want to talk to their crush after a long time. But there are some easy ways on how you can successfully establish a connection with them.

One of the simplest ways to make this happen is by using the indirect approach ie., to get in touch with her through social media. This approach is only when you don’t know her well.

If you already had a good connection in the past you can approach directly by texting her and asking her to catch up.

Let’s go into detail on how you can text your crush after a long time.

Make Use Of Social Media

If you don’t know how to make the first approach you can make use of this indirect approach.

This is an effective way of getting back in touch with your crush after a long time. This will give you enough time to build your courage to start a conversation with her.

You can start by liking her posts on Instagram or Facebook and even sharing them. This will let her know that you are following her posts. But keep in mind not to like too many posts or she might find it creepy.

Space out the time every few days to show that you genuinely like her posts or you will be sending out the wrong signals. She might get put off that you are trying too hard.

Another thing to remember is not to like only photos of her. Liking a cute photo of her is fine but liking too many photos is creepy. If she is sharing something good other than photos you can like them too.

Once you have started liking and commenting on her posts, you can also post interesting things that will allow her to like and comment.

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Keep in mind to only like and comment on new posts. Don’t like and comment on posts that are months old.

For example, let’s say she watched a new movie and posted it on Facebook. You can comment something like, “I’m planning to watch it this weekend. Is it good?” This will allow her to reply. This will hopefully allow sparking a chain of comments.

Once you have exchanged a few conversations with her and she is showing interest in you, you can then invite her to an event.

Once you have invited her you can then send her message like, “Hey, I and my friend are going to this event next Saturday. Would you like to join?”

Don’t be disheartened if she denies your invitation. If she cannot attend the event, just use that opportunity to ask about how things are going on and start a conversation.

If you still don’t have her number, you can exchange numbers and start a conversation over the phone.

Texting Them Directly

This is more of a direct approach. If you have her number then you can text her directly. To start a conversation you can remind her of something that you both had shared a connection in the past.

This will also help you test the waters before actually building up the conversation.

You can text her something like, “Hey, I heard that (group band) will be playing this weekend and I remembered how you like them. Are you going to attend?”

You can still text her even if you don’t have a reason behind it by telling her you have been thinking about her.

You can say something like, “Hey I was just thinking about you and all the fun conversations we were having. How are you doing?” Just make sure not to bring anything heavy from the past.

Another smart way to start a conversation is by sending something funny and silly. Studies have shown that girls like guys who are funny and have a great sense of humor. You can send her an inside joke or ask a funny question from the past.

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Once you successfully break the ice you can ask her about how she is and what she is doing. Actively show that you are interested in knowing about her.

Try to match the length of texts and wait time the same as her. What I’m trying to say is don’t text her until she has texted you back and if she is taking five minutes to respond you don’t reply her back within a second. One she has replied follow up with more questions.

Once she starts actively responding to your texts in a friendly way, you can then suggest her to catch up for a get-together or some activity.

how to know if your crush likes you

How To Get The Conversation Going

Understandably, you want to text your crush first before actually talk to her since you don’t even know if she likes you or not and you might be called crazy.

Also with texting, you can have a relaxed and laid back conversation without having to worry about what to say on the spot.

As I already mentioned above, if you don’t have her number you can use the indirect approach. Another option is to ask her casually without adding any pressure on her.

But I would say you have better chances of getting her number by using the indirect approach since you are trying to talk to her after a long time.

Once you have her number, don’t let things get awkward. Just keep the conversations going so that you don’t have to encounter any awkward moments.

Once you have broken the ice wait until she replies you back. If she asks something, answer it and ask her a question back. If she is sending short one-word replies don’t be disheartened that she is not interested. There is a chance that she might be busy.

And if she is not replying to you, then don’t get sad for that too. It is not under your control. Give it some time. Worrying about it and texting repeatedly might make her stop texting you completely.

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Between your conversations, you have to observe how she is texting you. Is she showing her interest when texting you? Is she asking questions of her own? Is she making any effort to maintain the conversation? Is she even texting you?

As I already said earlier not texting or texting short replies doesn’t mean she is not interested in you. Maybe she is busy at that moment. You have to just relax and not freak out. The best thing you can do in such a situation is to just hold on.

On the other hand, if she is actively texting you, then it could be a sign that she is interested in you. This is great news. Just keep texting naturally.

Once things start going well, you can then take the conversation to the next level by talking about personal things. And once you have started talking about personal things you can then suggest her to meet up or even go for a date.

Finally, pay attention to how she is talking to you. At some point, she is going to think whether you are the “ONE” and whether she should commit to you. This will determine if she will become your girlfriend or leave you heartbroken.

Another important thing to remember is to always keep the conversation interesting or she might start losing interest in you. So always find ways to keep her interest alive at least until both of you start dating.

To conclude, if you want to learn how to text your crush after a long time, start by getting her number by using the direct or indirect approach.

Break the ice and then try to build a conversation with her. Pay attention to how she is texting you to find out if she is interested in you or not.

If she is okay with personal and open questions, it might be a sign that she is interested in you. Finally, take advantage of this and ask her for a date.

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