How To Text Someone You Don’t Know? Tips To Impress A Guy With Your First Text

It can happen to any of you. You saw a guy and immediately fell for him. And just getting his number feels like a major victory for you. Now comes the big question; how to text a guy you don’t know?

Scoring the number of your crush is just one part. Now you have to figure out what to text him, when and how often to text him.

What To Text A Guy You Don’t Know

One of the biggest reasons women back out from texting a guy they don’t know is the fear of rejection. But, why are you so scared of rejection? What does rejection mean to you? You will never know why a guy rejected you if you don’t even ask him.

Some of the reasons a guy might reject you are:

– He must be already married or has a girlfriend, or is not interested in getting in to a relationship at the moment.

– He wants to prioritize his career before he decides to get into a relationship.

– He must be gay and not interested in women.

– He must be fresh out of a breakup and needs some time before getting into a relationship again.

– He must be going through some family problems and emotionally unavailable for any relationship.

– You could not be the “type” of woman he is interested in dating.

There could be any number of reasons why a guy might reject a girl. However, it is really hard to tell if he doesn’t tell you specifically. Most of the times guys don’t feel comfortable sharing their reason for rejection; hence they sugar coat and lie so that they don’t feel discomfort about it. But whether you get rejected or not, atleast you will be clear about whether he is interested in you or not and not worry about it.

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But what if the guy is interested in you? You will never know until you text him, right? So take up the risk and text him. If you don’t take risks, you can’t make things happen in life. Life is all about taking risks which will let you experience something amazing and help you grow.

Let me give you a few tips on how to text a guy you don’t know.

how to text someone you don't know

Start With A Question

One of the best ways to start a conversation with a guy is to ask him a question related to him. The questions can be anything related to his studies, his hobbies, his interests and so on. This will give him a reason to respond to you.

If you ask him something that he don’t have answer to, then he might not respond and your might fail to make an impression with your first text. So always ask a question that is related to him(but don’t get too personal).

Just Say ‘Hi’

If you are having trouble coming up with a strong opener text then you can just say ‘hi’. Even though using a simple ‘hi’ is not a effective as before and have lesser chances to getting a reply, you can take that chance and see if he replies.

Just be confident even if you have nothing to say but ‘hi’. You can also follow up with an introduction about yourself and then ask about him.

Send A Thoughtful Quote

If you are a shy person and have trouble being the first person to talk, then you can send him a thoughtful or motivational quote which can brighten his day. It may even flatter him and make him reply to your text.

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Don’t send him a joke or a meme as these are not considered to be great conversation starters and they require a bit of comfort before you can use it.


It’s not rocket science trying to learn what to text a guy you don’t know. Confidence is the key here. Men love confident woman and if you are confident about yourself, you might even impress him just by your first text.  

And if you get rejected, then don’t take it personally. Just say “have a good day” and move on. You took the first step and you should be proud of it. Don’t let that rejection break your confidence. Be normal around him and may be one day he might even come around on his own. May be one day you might even meet the perfect partner who might want to spend his whole life with you. Until then spread joy and make every smile around you.

If you have any more tips on how to text a guy you don’t know then use the comment section below to share with us.

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One thought on “How To Text Someone You Don’t Know? Tips To Impress A Guy With Your First Text

  1. i’ve never met this guy before. i told him i thought he was cute and asked for his number over snapchat. I have it, but I don’t know what to say. Should I just send a gamepigeon or something?

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