If you fought with your boyfriend and want to ask him for apology but finding it hard to talk to him, then you can use texting as a means of sending him an apology message.
But just sending him a sorry message isn’t going to work well in most cases. There are many ways how you can send him I’m sorry message that will melt his heart.
But before you can send any of the below sorry messages to your boyfriend, you need to understand that every relationship is unique and not every message will work in every situation.
How To Say Sorry To Your Boyfriend In A Text
Before you send that I am sorry message to your boyfriend, follow the below tips which can help you personalize your that message that you send to your boyfriend.
– Every relationship is different and have their own way of communication. Find your own way of communication that works best in your case. Let him know how much he means to you and how much you love him.
– Do not play the blame game here. Understand that even your boyfriend is hurt. Keep all the faults aside and talk to him politely.
– Arguments start when person’s statements are misunderstood. Instead of addressing like ‘You hurt me’, talk about how it made you feel like ‘I got hurt because of this’.
– If it was your fault or even part of it, then acknowledge it and let him know that you will take every step to fix it.
– Apologize by your heart and let him know that your intention was not to hurt him.
– Your boyfriend knows you better. So don’t try to fake your emotions and be genuine when you apologize to him. You can take your time to clear your heart and mind before you text him.
– The best thing about sending a sorry text message to your boyfriend is that it will give him enough time to think about your apology text and come to terms when your follow up to your apology in person.
Sorry Messages For Your Boyfriend
– I love you so much and I will do anything to make up for what I did. I know I have annoyed you but that’s because I need you a lot. I’m sorry, honey.
– You are my most favorite person in the whole world and you deserve the best understanding girlfriend. I’m very sorry for hurting you.
– I’m very very sorry for fighting with you the other day. I promise I won’t repeat it again. I need you a lot. Love you.
– They say we fight with a person whom we love the most and I love you to the core. Please forgive me, sweetheart.
– It may feel like I’m ignoring you, but I need you a lot in my life. If you forgive me I promise to bring back again all the funny and naughty times when we meet.
– I swear I did not mean any of the words that I spoke the other day. I promise to think before I speak from next time. I’m really very sorry.
– I’ll do anything to make things work between us again. I’m very sorry I hurt you. Love you to the moon and back.
– You are the sweetest guy I know and I will do anything so that you will forgive me. Can we please kiss and make up?
– I’m very sorry for being possessive about you. I just want the best for you and nothing else. Really very sorry for getting angry on you. I promise I’ll never lose my temper again. Love you lot.
– Who is the most handsome guy in the whole world? You. Who is the bad girlfriend in the whole world? Me. Who is the most understanding guy in the whole world? You. Who will forgive me quickly? You. Love you, baby.
Fights are common in any relationship and we hope your relationship is back to normal soon by sending some sweet sorry messages to your boyfriend.
If you have any more tips on how to make your boyfriend forgive you over text then share with us in the comment section below.