How To Say Goodnight To A Girl Over Text – 3 Ways To Say Goodnight

In this post I’ll talk about how to say goodnight to a girl or crush over text.

Saying goodnight to a girl can sometimes get tricky. But with texting it can get easy and less stressful.

There are several ways you can text good night to a girl or crush. You can send a sweet or cute good night message to her, send a casual message, send a flirty message, or be creative with the goodnight message you send.

Before sending a goodnight text you need to decide on how you want to approach it. This means you need to decide whether you want to send a casual, friendly text or something that will help in taking your relationship to the next level.

You can also get her attention by getting creative with your goodnight text messages. Let’s get into detail how you can say goodnight to your crush over text.

Casual Text

Relationships are not built in a day. If you are still trying to build a relationship with her you can send a casual “Goodnight” message. Such simple text can go a long way in helping to take your relationship to the next level.

You can also send a text like “See you tomorrow” or “See you in Math class” if you are planning to meet her. Adding emojis in your messages will also help in lightening it up.

Another way is to send funny and cute videos to her. There are many video sharing websites where you can find such videos. If your crush likes animals you can make it more personal by sharing a compilation of animal videos.

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Not only videos, you can get smart by sending memes and gifs that display your emotions. Don’t send anything obvious until you have built a connection with her.

For example, if your girlfriend is getting ready for sleep you can send a gif of a yawning panda. If she is not getting sleep you can send a funny gif of a lullaby.

Flirty Text

Once you a built up a connection you can take your texting to the next level by sending flirty goodnight texts.

One way of doing this is by texting her that you hope to dream about her. If you want to take the indirect approach you can ask her if she is planning to dream about you.

Test the waters to check if your crush is also flirting with you so that it can help you in coming up with more romantic texts. 

You can also make your texts more romantic by texting her how excited you are to see her. You can text something like “Can’t wait to see you in class tomorrow.” It will show her that you value her.

Don’t go overboard with your texts in such cases. If your text goes into detail when and where you want to meet her it might creep her out.

A tip here if you want to impress your crush further is by texting her goodnight in another language. It is even better if she is bilingual since you can wish her in her native language.

Goodnight Text Messages In Different Languages

Spanish – Buenas Noches

French – Bonne Nuit

German- Gute Nacht

Italian – Buona Notte

Portuguese – Boa Noite

Swedish – God Natt

Dutch – Welterusten

Norwegian – God Natt

Russian – Спокойной ночи (Spokoynoy Nochi)

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Romanian – Noapte bunã

Mandarin – Wan an

Japanese – Oyasumi 

Greek – Kalinishta 

You can also add humor in your goodnight texts to make her smile before bed. You can add a corny line like “I’ll need more Vitamin U from tonight before I go to sleep.”

Creative Texts

Girls love it when guys get creative when texting them. There are several ways how you can get creative with your goodnight texts.

One way is by sending her a calm and relaxing song that will help her fall asleep. It doesn’t even have to calm and relaxing. Trust your instincts and choose a song that you think your crush will like.

You can add a personal touch to your good night texts by attaching your sleeping selfie with the message.

Messaging apps like Snapchat make in more fun and visual by letting you add stickers and effects. If you want to lighten the mood, you can take a silly photo to send her.

Emojis are also a fun and interesting way to send creative goodnight texts. You can full advantage of them by adding enough emojis in your texts.

If you want to make it flirty you can add a heart or kissing emoji. If you prefer it casual then you can use sleeping emojis.

You can even interlink emojis and make a story out of it. You are only restricted by your imagination. You can search for examples online on how you can make them.

If you want to make it more special then you can stimulate your creative side and prepare a goodnight poem to send her. While this is not a conventional way to say goodnight, your crush will feel more special since you took the extra effort to show her how much you care for her.

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You don’t even have to get fancy with it. Search for some good poems and add your own twist to it. And don’t forget to keep it short. No one wants to read it long when they are about to sleep.

I hope you found enough tips on how to say goodnight to your crush over text. Now take your phone and start getting creative.

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